Paper Submission Guidelines

  1. Manuscripts must be original and show authors’ contribution to knowledge. All manuscripts received will be checked for plagiarism before they are sent for blind peer review.  Articles whose similarity index is greater than 25% would be rejected by the editorial board.
  2. Manuscripts should be written in English Language
  3. All prospective authors should register on the journal’s website to upload their manuscripts.
  4. The manuscripts should be prepared using SJACSE manuscript’s template Title, Author’s Details (Author’s Name, Affiliation, Phone Number and Email), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Research Questions/Hypothesis, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References. (Authors should download the manuscript template from the SJACE’s website  to their papers).
  5. The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, on A4 paper, and with a line number. The manuscript's length is limited to 12 pages.
  6. The article's title needs to be precise, clear, and descriptive of its content.
  7. Author(s)'s full names (with no abbreviations) should be written under the title, followed by author(s)'s affiliation and email. All clearly written. Titles like Mr., Mrs., Dr., and Prof. are not accepted.
  8. The abstract should not be more than 250 words in all. It should include an objective, a sample, a methodology, findings, a conclusion, and a recommendation.
  9. The keywords should be listed in alphabetical order and should not exceed five words or phrases.
  10. Where applicable, all tables, diagrams, and graphs should be kept to a minimum and incorporated into the article's main body. Each of them needs to have labels that are appropriate and distinct.
  11. References must be cited using the 7th edition of APA.
  12. The Sped Journal of Computing and Science Education DOES NOT accept manuscripts that have been submitted elsewhere for publication.
  13. Authors will receive only a copy of the journal in which their papers were published. However, additional copies could also be bought.